
TEDxUlaanbaatarLive Баг хамт олон

Mend-Orshikh Amartaivan Licensee

Mend-Orshikh Amartaivanis a social entrepreneur and the founder and president of The New Media Groupwhich is a social enterprise that provides professional consulting services in several areas focusing on new media marketing, information technology, and venture capital investment. Additionally, The New Media Grouphas cultivated a strong corporate culture of social responsibility and is dedicated to assisting non-profits and other organizations working to build a better Mongolia as well as "Empowering Human Centered Business". He is passionate about social entrepreneurship and possesses a strong desire to create new solutions to social problems and then implement them on a large scale to change society for the better.

Bolor Bataa Co-Organizer

Bolor Bataa works at Information Technology department in Khan Bank as a Senior Officer. She has been volunteering for Tech Team since 2011. She is fascinated with TEDx Talks on behavior science, bio technology, and artificial intelligence. She was the Tech Team Lead and Translation Team Lead for TEDxUlaanbaatarLive, and again the Tech Team Lead for TEDxUlaanbaatar 2014.

Sundari Enkhtugs Coordinator

Sundari (Sunya) is a senior at the National University of Mongolia, majoring in Applied Mathematics. She has been a zealous reader with a diverse array of interest, especially in social sciences, public relations, and environment. Later, her part-time jobs as a translator in civic society institution and as an assistant to a media representative augmented her interest in using information and media as solid tools to educate, develop, and improve people and society. Watching TED videos inspired her to contribute in . She is hoping to help spreading innovative ideas shared at TED and TEDx stages, create platforms where people can have open and creative discussions, and encourage more and more people to use Internet to their best benefits. She has been volunteering for TEDxUlaanbaatar events since December, 2012.

Munkh-Ariun Gantumur Translation Team Lead

Mucka is a credit analyst at the Development Bank of Mongolia. She is an avid reader of anything and everything. Since discovering Ted while she was in university Mucka has been continually impressed by the ideas expressed, and firmly believes that the exchange of ideas can lead to a result that is more than the sum of their parts. This is why she is excited to be part of the team for TEDxUlaanbaatar and is looking forward to sharing this year's ideas with Ulaanbaatar and the world.

Saruulzaya Gansukh Attendees

Saruulzaya Gansukh is currently working at Fuji-Altai LLC as a Chief Accountant. It is her first time being part of TEDxUlaanbaatar team and she is very excited about this experience. TED talks inspired her to become a part of team.

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