
About TEDxUlaanbaatar 2013

TED is all about Ideas Worth Spreading. TEDxUlaanbaatar is an independently organized TED event, operated under license from TED worldwide. We are based in the capital city of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar.

Our first event was held in August 2011 and was a landmark event - the first TEDx event ever held in Mongolia. We brought together some of the greatest minds and hearts from around the country, featured amazing speakers and performers, and inspired attendees, volunteers, and participants around the world. Our theme for TEDxUlaanbaatar 2011 was LEGACY: Honoring Tradition, Designing the Future.

Our speakers presented on topics ranging from Mongolian history to traditional intellectual puzzles, modern Mongolian hip-hop to timeless traditional music, and from the children of Ulaanbaatar’s streets to the country’s aggressive economic future. In our first TEDxUlaanbaatar event, we debutted Mongolia to the TED community, focusing on Mongolia’s rich past and promising future.  

Our second annual event - TEDxUlaanbaatarChange was held in May 2012, our 3rd event - TEDxUlaanbaatar 2012 was held under the theme Beyond, focusing beyond today and toward tomorrow. Beyond plans and toward action. Beyond progress and toward sustainability. We wanted to know what is next for the economy, the environment, art, technology, and design in Mongolia.

The first ever TEDxWomen event in Mongolia was held at the Shine Mongol Highschool on December 2nd, 2012 by the theme "The Space Between". 

And now our 5th official TEDxUlaanbaatar 2013 event is going to be held on April 13th, 2013 by the theme "Innovation." We will be sharing innovative ideas related to creativity, industry and humanity.

Thank you for visiting!

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