
Thank you for your interest in TEDxUlaanbaatar. We welcome you to participate in this landmark event as a sponsor and support Mongolia's remarkable innovators and thought leaders. As a TEDxUlaanbaatar sponsor, you will be part of an event that has involved some of the most impacting leaders and innovators globally. TED is one of the most popular and widely watched events today and through this platform, sponsors will have a unique opportunity for global recognition as a supporter of positive global change and defining Mongolia's legacy.

Sponsors will also be entitled to:

  • Corporate logo to appear on TEDxUlaanbaatar event program
  • Name/logo on website including homepage link
  • Signage at the event
  • Company cited during conference
  • Name/logo on TEDxUlaanbaatar iPhone, iPad and Android applications

Areas where we are looking for in-kind support or financial are:

  • Venue
  • Catering/food and beverages
  • Audio/video production
  • IT Support
  • Materials design and production
  • Attendee packages
  • Marketing and advertising

If you/your organization want to contribute to TEDxUlaanbaatar as a sponsor, please contact us by filling out the application below:

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Хүн бүрийн заавал үзэх ёстой TEDed
TEDxUlaanbaatar 2018 үйл ажиллагаа маань 5 сарын 5-ны өдөр болох гэж байгааг сон

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Хүн бүрийн үзэх ёстой 15 TED илтгэл
TED-ийн илтгэлүүд өвөрмөц илтгэгчид, чадварлаг зохион байгуулагчид, гайхалтай са

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