
Kush & Oyuka

Date: 2012-09-02
Posted By: Uyanga
Kush graduated as a horse and fiddle player, studied at the Music and Dance College and finishedin 2008. Oyuka graduated as a pianist, studied at the Music and Dance College and finished in 2009.  Currently, they are in postgraduate courses, studying at the different Universities. /The academy of management, Mongolian State University of Culture and Arts/
KUSH and OYUKA have been doing performances and gigs over the last 6 years as a band. During this period they have improved themselves in many fields relates to their career, such as a show management, vocal, music arranging and composing. All the world-wide soft-pop, ballade, Jazz and as well as the American, Latin American and the European music has been constantly played by KUSH and OYUKA through the years. In result, nowadays, certain amount of listeners have grown familiar to their Jazz performances and now they are dedicating themselves for the development of local jazz music in Mongolia.

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