
Byambasaikhan Bayanjargal

Date: 2013-04-02
Posted By: Uyanga

Byambasaikhan is the chairman of the Business Council of Mongolia (www.bcmongolia.org) an association representing 250 Mongolian and international businesses operating in Mongolia. He supports clean energy and developed and financed the first wind energy project in Mongolia. He is an infrastructure project financier, experienced in managing investments for public and private sector clients. In 2010-2013 he worked as chief executive and managing director of Newcom, a Mongolian technology and infrastructure investor. In 2004-2010, he was an energy finance specialist at the Asian Development Bank, where he managed and structured power plant, transmission and distribution investment transactions and lead multidisciplinary project teams and in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. He financed power project and corporate deals through international and bilateral financial institutions (ADB, AFD, EBRD, FMO, IFC, JBIC, JICA, EBRD) and carbon funds. Byambasaikhan is an infrastructure advisor to the President of Mongolia. He serves in the boards of the Arts Council of Mongolia, Green Growth NGO and is a trustee of the Zorig Foundation USA. He is the sponsor of the Environmental Fellowship Program, an initiative to support future leaders who have keen interest in clean energy and sustainable environment. Byambasaikhan is a graduate of the George Washington University and the National University of Mongolia.

Connect via Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/bayanjargal-byambasaikhan/a/b02/95b

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