
Роберт Рид

Date: 2012-08-23
Posted By: Uyanga

Robert Reid began his duties as Resident Country Director/Mongolia for the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in 2008. He manages the $285 million Mongolia MCC Compact focused on helping Mongolians to increase their incomes by becoming healthier and better trained, and by using their land assets more productively. Prior to MCC, he was USAID's Senior Development Advisor to the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida where his overall objective was to strengthen both Department of Defense (DOD) and USAID planning and operations in SOCOM through improved coordination and joint action between the two organizations.

In his previous assignment as the Chief of Operations for the Europe, Mediterranean and Asia Region of the Peace Corps, Robert worked with staff in Washington and 21 countries that stretched from Morocco to Mongolia to the Philippines to develop agency and regional policies, as well as to direct and implement programs involving 2000+ Volunteers and staff.

Before coming to Washington, Robert started the Peace Corps/Crisis Corps program in Bosnia & Herzegovina, and also served with Peace Corps as the Country Director in Uzbekistan and Jamaica, the Programming and Training Officer in the Dominican Republic, the acting Administrative Officer in the Dominican Republic, the Training Director in Tuvalu, Project Director in Fiji, Rural Development Peace Corps Volunteer in Fiji and Community Development Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic. Many of these positions involved initial start-ups, or improvement to programs, financial management and staff development.

Robert also worked with USAID as a Program Manager, first in Bosnia & Herzegovina and then in Macedonia, with the responsibility of starting up a multi-ethnic activity with a grants program component for channeling critically needed funds throughout the country and stimulating civil society formation and enhanced multiethnic cooperation. As head of the USAID reconstruction office for the US Sector in Bosnia & Herzegovina, he led efforts to form the interagency working group and to create joint policy and communications among the international military forces, the USG, other diplomatic missions, NGOs and local officials.

Robert started his international development career as a Peace Corps Volunteer, helping to form local community groups to assess community needs.  Robert has a BA from the University of Michigan and a Master of International Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management.

During his five years with non-profits, Robert worked on USAID and other donor funded activities, including an assignment as Field Office Director of Save the Children in Tajikistan during that country's war in the 1990's. In all non-profit positions, he was the driving force behind bringing more professionalism to programming, training and administrative management.


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