
Жанчивийн Галбадрах

Date: 2012-09-01
Posted By: Uyanga

Galbadrakh Janchiv was a standout student, who majored in Physics, at Department of Theoretical Physics of National University of Mongolia. He earned his Master's degree from University of Yamagata (JPN) specializing in "Renovation of Mongolian High School System." It was his dream to lead Mongolian young generation to the world standard education and he worked hard to make his dream come true. Galbadrakh built Mongolian first 12 year high school and its students and teachers are constantly getting scholarships and benefits to study in Japan. He never had to get a loan or government fund to build "New Mongol" high school. The school was completely built on friendship and trust of Japanese people, they still continue to help him and sponsorship his students. We think he is a perfect example of how one can make his dream come true, and look beyond growth. 

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