
Бонни Нэлсон, Баатаржавын Алдармаа

Date: 2012-09-01
Posted By: Uyanga

Bonnie Nelson is currently a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Mongolia, working as an English teacher at the Sukhbaatar branch of the Mongolian University of Science & Technology. In addition to teaching English, she is working on several community development projects in Baruun-Urt, including United English, The Good Father Project, and Awesome Mongolia. Before coming to Mongolia in June 2011, Bonnie obtained her Master's degree in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies while working as a service-learning liaison at the University of Washington. There she helped coordinate service-learning partnerships between nonprofit and campus organizations, faculty, and students. Bonnie also served as a team leader in the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps from 2008 to 2009. As the creator of EverydayService.org, she loves encouraging others to change the world through service.

Aldarmaa Baatarjav grew up in the countryside of Sukhbaatar Aimag outside of Baruun-Urt. In her adulthood, she has watched Baruun-Urt experience dramatic development and growth and is actively focused on ensuring that education and opportunities for youth in the aimag are improving at the same rate. After being an English teacher at a local school and then university for 12 years, she is now the foreign language methdologist for all of the schools in Sukhbaatar Aimag. Aldarmaa was recently selected as the representative for the entire country of Mongolia to participate in an American Embassy sponsored trip to America along with other educators from around the world. She is the founding dean of Awesome Sukhbaatar and was the co-chair of the Good Father Project. When Aldarmaa is not traveling around the aimag working with the English and Russian teachers, you can catch her teaching English on the local SB Television network or spending time with her two sons and husband.

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