
Балхаажавын Бүүвэй

Date: 2012-08-09
Posted By: Uyanga

Until recently, Mr. B.Balhaajav served as the President and CEO of Naran Group, a Top-50 corporation in Mongolia comprising 14 companies and 900+ employees. Booway brings over 15 years of leadership and managerial experience in business development, entrepreneurship, strategic planning, operations management, financial analysis, and market research in the financial services, healthcare, retail trade, IT, and other industries; in addition to 6 years of previous career in international diplomacy. Prior to Naran Group, he served as CEO of DMB Financial, a $14 million, 100-person consumer financial services company in Boston, MA, guiding it through its turnaround stage during a period of rapidly evolving federal and state regulatory changes and increasing competitive pressure. Previously, he spent over 8 years advising startups; co-founded a financial services startup; performed global business development at GTech Corporation; and consulted to Fortune 500 clients. Booway earned his MBA from Harvard Business School. Mr. Balhaajav is an Advisory Board member of The New Media Marketing Agency since 2011, providing guidance and assistance with developing its brand and increasing its competitiveness on the global scale.

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